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A&J e-Edu attends the 2023 Korean Education Fair

Posted on September 19, 2023 AnJ

The Philippines has been one of the top countries that non- English speakers go to learn, practice, and improve their skills. Because of this, English schools in the Philippines have been improving the quality of education and also the living space for students to have a comfortable living environment. With these improvements, different English schools in the Philippines reach various students from different non-English speaking countries through different ways. One of which is introducing the schools through educational fairs. And recently, an education fair was held in Korea.

A&J e-Edu Academy, one of the English schools in the Philippines, attended said event. The exhibition was held at COEX in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea on September 2. It is the biggest education fair for Philippine language schools. This was also the time to get information of A&J. This exhibition was held mainly by the Korean Agency, Ijeo International Institute, and different language schools in Cebu, Baguio, Iloilo, Manila, and Clark in the Philippines attended the exhibition to promote Philippine language training.

During the COVID-19 period, there were many people in Korea who wanted to study in the Philippines and study abroad early to improve their English skills, but there was a time when overseas language training was inevitably quiet because of COVID-19. However, at the end of Corona, many people started looking for overseas language training again, and the Philippines was the most popular country among them. Therefore, we held a study abroad fair in the Philippines to provide more information to students. The director and manager of each academy participated to provide students with the necessary information, and they were able to immediately inform them of information that they could not know unless they lived there.

The number of people who visited the fair was higher than expected. This showed how much people wanted to study abroad. Through this fair, students can choose academies across the Philippines for counseling, basically about price, class courses, food, surrounding facilities, and the biggest thing they can get from the fair is that local people can come and explain their lives, and students can hear information directly from their websites, YouTube, and brochures.
The students who attended the fair were largely divided into two categories. The first is an adult language study. Just as most students are adults in overseas language training, college students and office workers received counseling for adult language training. The second is the winter junior camp. There were many people who wanted to go to English camp with their parents for the winter vacation because studying English continuously from an early age is a great strength for juniors.

As this fair is a large-scale fair held after COVID-19, many people visited the fair to go to the Philippines for language training, and it was a great opportunity for students to get various information they wanted. This fair that A&J e-Edu Academy and the different English schools in the Philippines attended is a testament that a lot people have the desire and drive to improve their English skills as they know how essential it is to start building their future.

