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Development of English in the Philippines

English is an international language used in every schools and university in South American and Europe. Countries like the Philippines and India study English at an early age during their kindergarten years. Around 80 countries accept English an Official language. Those countries are the United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom, and South Africa etc. […]

List of A–Z Filipino Street Foods in the Philippines

List of A–Z Filipino Street Foods in the Philippines 1 day old – Fried baby chicken on a stick Adidas – Grilled Chicken feet Arroz Caldo – Filipino Rice Soup with Chicken Balut – A boiled fertilized Duck egg with the embryo inside mixed with salt and vinegar Banana Cue – Fried Banana in Carmel […]

A&J Vice President’s Interview – Jonathan Hull

PERSONAL  Naru: Could you say something about yourself? John: My name is Jonathan Hull. I’m from Sacramento, California. I was born and raised there, and I’m currently 31 years old. Naru: Before coming to the Philippines, what did you do in the US? John: I was in university. I was also working as a security guard. […]

The choice of choosing Baguio City, Philippines

When you choose to study the English language in the Philippines, the perk isn’t solely not only learning expeditiously.  On the opposite hand, you also have the perks of exploring new places and find adventure on trying the delicacies.  There are also comparative reasons why students choose this country over others. According to BBC News […]
