A&J Eco Campus houses 3 major food and beverage facilities namely the dining hall, cafe, & a convenience store. The Dining Hall is located just across the Main building providing an easy access to students. The cafe is just next to the dining hall which is a good spot to sip coffee while relaxing with a perfect view of the luscious green pine trees. And the Eco Mart or the convenience store is located near the camping area which provides convenience to students who are camping or merely taking a break.
Nutritious meals are provided to students during meal time to make sure that they are physically fueled for studying. They will be served 3 meals a day every weekday; breakfast, lunch, & dinner, and 2 meals a day every weekend & holidays; brunch & dinner.
Dining Hall
Dining Area
Beverage Section
Reheating Section
Ramyun-Self Cooking Station
A cafe is also available for students who love coffee and pastries. Not only will they enjoy the aroma and taste of high quality coffee beans but also enjoy the relaxing pine view of the campus.
Eco Mart
A convenience store is made available so that students can have easy access to snacks and beverages both local and international. A&J Eco campus would like to provide students the convenience and comfort while studying overseas.