On January 17, the very first Acoustic Night at A&J Eco was held. The said event aimed to provide a fun time and a great experience that students can bring back to their home countries when they finish their courses in the academy.
To have a proper Acoustic Night, A&J hired a local band to perform for the students. The said band played around 20 songs for students to enjoy. The Acoustic Night was open for all students, and both teaching and non-teaching staff of A&J.
Some snacks and drinks were also prepared to munch in. There were nachos, chocolates, smores, cold cuts, chips, cookies, and a lot of more for both the junior students and the adults.
One of the most memorable from this event was the enthusiastic participation of students and teachers. They energetically volunteered to perform might it be singing or dancing while the band was on break. It was a really fun night and a night where students and all staff mingled around the bonfire in the eco campus. The event lasted for 3 hours. It was truly a 3-hour of fun, enjoyment, camaraderie, and memories.
Studying English in Baguio especially in A&J Eco is not limited to the classroom and books but students get the chance to learn and practice English through such activities like Acoustic Night. When students join these events, they are given the opportunity to immerse themselves to the language which is one of the best ways to learn and practice English. Not only are they practicing but they are also enjoying!
Learn English in a fun, relaxing, and memorable way here at A&J Eco Campus.