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Build Your Future!


Posted on 5월 13, 2024 AnJ

In the dynamic landscape of English education and training in the Philippines, staying updated with the latest trends, innovations, and networking opportunities is essential for both English schools and partner agencies from different countries. One such significant event in 2024 is the 2024 BESA International Familiarization, offering a platform for schools and agencies to converge, exchange ideas, and explore the new opportunities in providing English education to students.


Introduction to BESA Familiarization 2024

BESA Familiarization 2024, hosted by the Baguio English schools, was participated buy different agencies from Taiwan, China, Japan, and Vietnam. This year’s event witnessed energetic participants excited to learn the new updates of every school.  Said event was participated by 5 English schools and one of which is A&J e-Edu Academy.

Event Highlights

  1. Thought-Provoking Keynote Sessions

The cornerstone of BESA Familiarization 2024 was its lineup of sessions where every school was given the chance to reintroduced themselves. A&J e-Edu Academy during its session did not only reintroduce itself but introduced its newest and soon to open second campus having an eco-friendly theme. This session provided attendees the opportunity to get a glimpse of the new campus.

  1. Interactive School Tour


Complementing the keynote sessions was an interactive school tour where agencies were toured around the school and had a Q&A with the school managers. Through said Q&A, agencies get to learn about the school in a more in-depth manner.

  1. Networking Opportunities

At the heart of BESA Familiarization 2024, networking opportunities was presented. The event provided a conducive environment for schools to connect, collaborate, and forge meaningful partnerships with different agencies; whether during scheduled school tours, breaks, or informal gatherings, attendees seized the chance to expand their network and explore potential collaborations.

  1. Exhibition Showcase

The exhibition at BESA Familiarization 2024 served as a hub of innovation and information from different participating schools. Attendees had the opportunity to explore the latest update of every school whether it is about the facilities, programs, or the future of the school.

  1. Insights into Future Trends

As the business landscape continues to evolve rapidly, staying abreast of future trends is imperative for school to seek to maintain a competitive edge. With this being said, A&J e-Edu Academy has seized the opportunity to present its future during the BESA Familiarization 2024 providing attendees with valuable insights into its new campus’s theme.

BESA International Familiarization 2024 proved to be a landmark event for English schools in Baguio City, offering attendees a wealth of opportunities to gain knowledge, forge connections, and explore the future of English education. From insightful and informative sessions to interactive school tours and networking opportunities, the event provided a comprehensive platform for schools and agencies to thrive in an ever-changing environment.

As we reflect on the insights and experiences at BESA Familiarization 2024, one thing becomes clear: in a world defined by constant innovation and transformation, events like these play a crucial role in driving industry growth, fostering collaboration, and shaping the future of English education.
