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Eco Campus

“I wonder what is around A&J Eco Campus.”

When students study English in the Philippines, whether it is general English or IELTS, their main goal and purpose is to study, learn, and improve their English skills. But it is a given fact that once student arrives and spend one month studying, they also want to experience the life in the Philippines and the […]

A&J Eco Campus: Studying in a Nature-Friendly Environment

In today’s fast-paced and technologically-driven world, the importance of a nature-friendly environment for learning cannot be overstated. As concrete jungles expand and screens dominate our daily lives, the simple yet profound benefits of studying amidst nature have become increasingly valuable. There are many advantages of a nature-friendly educational setting, highlighting its positive impacts on concentration, […]

A&J Eco Campus Optional Classes

Joining the A&J Eco Campus optional classes offer numerous advantages through its diverse Eco Club activities and Eco Academic activities. These classes are designed to enrich students’ physical, mental, and academic skills while fostering a strong sense of camaraderie. The combination of physical activities, intellectual pursuits, and intellectual discussions ensures a well-rounded development for students […]

One-on-One Classes and Group Classes in A&J Eco Campus

Learning English is a valuable skill that opens doors to global communication, academic opportunities, and career advancements. The method of instruction plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of language learning. Two popular methods are one-on-one settings and group classes, each offering distinct advantages. In one-on-one settings, the teachers can tailor the lessons to the […]
