Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow,
Build Your Future!


Junior story camp is comprised of a 6 hour class divided into 3 man to man classes and 3 group classes for a period of 4 weeks. Each lesson lasts for 50 minutes, this course is intended to improve the student’s knowledge about formal and informal English used in everyday life. This short course for juniors concentrates on building the student’s confidence in public speaking, as well as develop their fluency in speaking English; it also encourages students to try different methods to convey their opinions using expressions and idioms.

This course tends to enhance the student’s language and socialization skills too. It will help them to communicate better in a natural manner and to advance their fluency in speaking like a native English speaker.

The program caters not only lessons in classrooms but it also incorporates other learning skills though fun filled activities given by the academy every night and on weekends. Cultural awareness and knowledge is also incorporated in the program.
