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Question and Answer with Teacher Ghe from A&J e-EduDC Academy

Posted on May 23, 2018 AnJ
Teacher Ghe from A&J English Academy

“Sometimes you have to travel to know the world better.”

First of all, Tell me a bit about yourself.

My name is Teacher Ghe and I am 28 years old. I like staying active and I like traveling.

When and how did you decide to become a teacher?

I have been teaching English for 5 years now and I consider it my passion.

Tell us about your experience working with foreign students.

Teaching foreign students is very interesting for me since I can learn their culture, and I can get to have friends as well.

How do you make learning and studying fun for students?

It can be a little boring at times so I make sure I provide a fun and interesting atmosphere for students.

How can you help students that are not doing good in speaking?

For students who are struggling in their speaking skills. I will provide a lot of exercise and drill

ls and also provide them a lot of chances to speak.

What is the most difficult aspect of teaching English?

The most difficult aspect of teaching is the cultural differences and language barriers.

What was the most challenging student that you’ve taught? No names, please!

One perfect example is when I was teaching beginners because they had limited lexical resources and

T. Ghe likes to travel a lot

Hiking is my passion

their listening skills are not fully developed.

What can you offer our school that another teacher cannot?

In this Academy, I can offer unwavering patience and the perseverance to guide and assist my student.

Lastly, what do you think about Student-Teacher relationships?

Student – Teacher should be a mixture of being professional and casual. Being professional so that students can keep a degree of respect and admiration for the teacher. And casual so that student can feel relaxed and focused on the student feeling judged by his/her skills.


Day/Night: Day
Cake/Cookies: Bread
Green or Red: RED!!!
Fast-Food/Organic: Organic = Green Salad
Sweet or Sour: Sweet
Mint/Chocolate: Chocolate
Chinese or Indian: Chinese
Fried/Steamed: Steamed

MOTTO IN LIFE: You only live once – James Bond

T. Ghe and her mother in Singapore

This is me and my mother in Singapore
